writing w bannersPublished And Unpublished Writing


“Balloon Wars: An ISR* Operator’s Account Of The Wars In Iraq & Afghanistan” sample chapters

*ISR – Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance”

Chapters 1 & 2 “PTDS Team 4” & “Unprepared”

Chapter 12 “Battle In (place name redacted by DOD)”

Chapters 17, 33 & 40 “Muqtada al Sadr”, “Urge To Jump” & “We Watch Mortars Launched At Us”

Chapter 78 “UTAMS Project”

Chapter 79 “Deadly New Weapon Fired At FOB Loyalty”

Chapter 82 “Bagram & Waza Khwa”

Chapters 86 & 116 “Captain Ellis” & “Just Living”

I worked on the PTDS (Persistent Threat Detection System) program in Iraq and Afghanistan in 2007 and 2008.  “Balloon Wars” is about being a war zone contractor, the system we operated (a tethered balloon with cameras and weapons sensors), how the War on Terror is run and how those who conduct it are affected.

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CELL 17: Interviews With The Imprisoned

“CELL 17 is an intimate look at a diverse group of individuals as they depict their childhood memories, their entry in the criminal world, and finally their current state of incarceration . . . a thoughtful contribution to our further understanding of the lives of prisoners and the institutions that confine them.” Dr. James Inciardi, author, Professor and Director, University of Delaware Center For Drug And Alcohol Studies
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History Of The Delaware State Police

This is a teacher’s guide to the Delaware State Police. The exhibit site that houses the Delaware State Police historical artifacts is the “Delaware State Police Museum and Education Center”. The Teacher’s Guide gives educators a means of informing students on the creation and development of the Delaware State Police, one of the oldest, continuously operating police forces in the world.

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Lone Traveler: The Singular Life of Benjamin Franklin

Parts 1, 2 and 3 – 1706 to 1726

Parts 4, 5 and 6 – 1726 to 1748

Parts 7, 8 and 9 – 1748 to 1762

Parts 10, 11 and 12 – 1762 to 1776

Parts 13 and 14 – 1776 to 1790

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Regional Magazine Articles

Keepers Of The Land – Delaware Today September 2002

True Lies – Delaware Today February 2001

Military Might – Delaware Today 1999-2000 Guide To Delaware

Fourteen Carrot Gold – Delaware Today January 2000

A Capitol Idea – Delaware Today March 2009


Essay and OPED

Jefferson’s Last Word on Religion

Rush Limbaugh’s Return From Treatment

Water Use Rights & Responsibilities

Henry David Thoreau on the Lack of Useful or Sincere Advise


Science and Technical

Center For The Inland Bays newspaper insert

The Speech Chain

Stream Watch


Screen and Stage Plays

“If A Tree Falls” a screenplay

“Our Guest” – a one act stage play

“The Wave” – a movie treatment