Windmill Point
November 03rd, 2023
Robert Crimmins
Fox Hill Road ends at Mercury Blvd and that's were Cherry Acres Drive begins. Until our visit on 10/28/23 I didn't know that.
50 Cherry Acres Drive.
Beach Rd is 3 miles from Mercury Blvd. Beach Rd is ¾ of a mile to Francis Asbury School.
Francis Asbury School
Beach Rd goes to Johnson Rd. (.84 miles) which is were “The Soda Shop” was.
The Nike "site" is still there! It looks like the Air Force is still using it.
Johnson Rd is a about .17 miles and it goes to Windmill Pt Rd. From there, Windmill Pt Rd is about 1 mile to the “Circle”.
Twenty-five feet from Back River. Remember when the waves broke over the sea-wall?
Dad built the ramp.
Capt Georges Marina. Did you ever meet George?
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