September 17th, 2018
Robert Crimmins
Robert Crimmins
5012 Killens Pond Road
Felton, Delaware 19943, 302-632-4972
robcrimmins@jvsbs.com or rc@robcrimmins.com
jvsbs.com and www.robcrimmins.com
Cell # 302-632-4972
November 2011 to Present
JVS Building Services, LLC, Felton, Delaware (302-632-4972)
Self Employed Consultant – Commercial building envelope maintenance and restoration
project management and oversight. The web site I built and maintain, JVSBS.com, is one of
best resources for project managers and building owners on the web. The work that I do
with them, such as building inspection and analysis, project cost estimating, production
scheduling, quality control, work supervision, statements of work and process specifications
are fully described within it.
November 2009 to November 2011
Rodney Square Building Restoration, Inc., Wilmington, Delaware (302-652-5891)
President / CEO – Commercial building envelope maintenance and restoration services
contracting firm. Contract values were typically in the tens or hundreds of thousands of
dollars. The work was in the Mid-Atlantic region from Northern New Jersey to Southeastern
Virginia. Most customers were building owners and managers with portfolios of millions of
square feet of office space.
March 2007 to February 2009
Lockheed Martin Mission Services, Cape Canaveral, Florida
Senior Field Engineer, PTDS (Persistent Threat Detection System) Operator –
PTDS is an ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) system consisting of a
tethered aerostat (kite balloon), a Wescam MX20 camera, MASINT systems, and assorted
communications payloads. Teams consisting of six to twelve individuals operate and maintain
the aerostat and it’s associated systems as well as the camera, computers and network. The
mission varies according to the military unit supported but the primary task is combat support. I
operated and maintained systems in Baghdad at the Victory Base Complex in support of the
Multi National Division and at two Forward Operating Bases in the city and at three sites in
Afghanistan. For four months in 2007, during the height of “The Surge”, I was Site Lead at one
of the Baghdad sites. My final assignment in Afghanistan was as a PTDS Tiger Team
member, the group that responds to extraordinary events and needs.
August 2005 to March 2007
Rodney Square Building Restoration, Inc., Wilmington, Delaware (302-652-5891)
Operations Manager – Commercial building envelope maintenance and restoration services
contracting firm. Contract values were typically in the tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars. I
planned and managed projects such as sealant restoration, painting, waterproofing, concrete
panel restoration, glass restoration, floor coating and EIFS repair.
1994 to Present
Pond Publishing and Productions, Felton, Delaware
Self Employed Videographer, Freelance Producer – Industrial productions, gov’t &
educational programs, cable shows, broadcast spots, commercials, musical performances,
events, conventions, competitions. Clients include E! Entertainment Television, U.S. Air
Force, State of Delaware, Comcast of Delmarva and Pioneer Productions, London. Equip. &
tools: HD cameras, editing software, video capture/compression. Author and Publisher,
Multimedia Developer – “CELL 17: Interviews With The Imprisoned”, a book (ISBN 0-
9648513-1-8), “History of the Delaware State Police”, a book and teacher’s guide. “LONE
TRAVELER: The Singular Life of Benjamin Franklin”, an ebook (ISBN 978-0-9648513-3-7),
“Balloon Wars: A War Contractor’s Memoir”, Multimedia, CD applications for government
and industry; product and service descriptions; entertainment, education. Free Lance
Writer – Delaware Today Magazine, Wilmington (Delaware) News Journal, Parachutist
August, 1989 to July, 1996
ILC Dover, Frederica, Delaware (302-335-3911)
Commercial Product Development Project Engineer, designer, design leader – fabric tanks
for chemical and food products storage; rigidizing space structures; rocket recovery systems;
pollution control products, tensioned structures. Technical Proposal Writer & Manager for
space habitats and US Army Infantry protective clothing, personal armor and respiratory
protection. Shuttle Space Suit Project and Design Engineer – suit boot, arms and legs.
Manufacturing Engineer – Ballute (bomb decelerator) manufacturing system proposal
manager. Illustrator of proposals and marketing/sales literature. Technical Writer &
Illustrator – research papers and reports for NASA, National Laboratories and others.
Computer Applications Consultant – Autocad, dBase IV, laser cutter nesting software.
1996 & 1997
Krapfcandoit Construction, Wilmington, Delaware
Commercial Construction Project Manager. Managed the construction of the
Delaware State Police Museum, a wood frame structure and the “skyboxes” at Dover
International Speedway, a NASCAR track.
American Blimp Corporation, Seattle, Washington (currently in Hillsboro, OR 503-693-1611)
Production Manager. In charge of Production and Quality departments and responsible
for the fabrication and assembly of manned airships.
1985 to 1989
General Electric Aerostat Systems, Melbourne, Florida
Project Engineer – Directed engineering activities to design, produce and operate 5 ship
systems, including vessels and tethered aerostat, radar and communications sub-systems.
Quality Assurance Engineer – developed and implemented ship and aerostat systems
maintenance programs. US Coast Guard Technical Advisor – shipboard advisor on
Atlantic and Caribbean drug interdiction missions.
1983 to 1985
Aquila Video Productions, Tillamook, Oregon
Business Owner/Operator, Television News Stringer and Videographer for
Portland OR network affiliates, and PBS. Credits include ABC and NBC news, PBS’ McNeil-
Lehrer News Hour.
1980 to 1985
Aerolift Inc., Tillamook, Oregon
Project Manager. “Cost Center” manager, Working Supervisor – fabrication, assembly,
and flight tests of a hybrid airship, the “CycloCrane“. Machinist and Chief Rigger. Copilot
– first flight. Corporate Videographer
1977 to 1980
Structural steel detailer, steel fitter/welder, assistant commercial construction
superintendent, Jumpmaster and professional demonstration skydiver.
#5,368,395 -“Flexible Storage Tank With Removable Liner” (chem. tank, up to 3K gal)
64 college credits from the University of Delaware and several evening courses. Studied
Civil and Architectural Engineering, drafting, design, mathematics, physics, economics, art,
literature, computer programming and art history.
Video Editing – Adobe Premiere Pro
Graphics Applications – Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator
Web – WordPress
Sound Editing – Peak DV, Sound Forge
Page Layout / Publishing – Adobe InDesign, Adobe Acrobat Pro
CAD – Trimble Sketchup, Autocad versions 2.6 through 14, Ashlar Vellum
ISR Systems and Software – CLAW2, Wescam MX20 Camera operating software
Flight Planning Software – Falconview
Military Internet Relay Chat (MIRChat)
Database – SQL, dBase
Spreadsheet – Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice
Word Processing – Microsoft Word
Scheduling Software – Microsoft Project, ITaskX (MS Project for Mac)
Operating Systems – DOS, UNIX, Windows, Mac OSX
Private Pilot with single engine and glider ratings (FAA certificated), United States Parachute
Association “Expert” license holder (D-37708) with Coach Rating, PADI Certified SCUBA
Diver (86113237)
Writing – books, screenplays, short stories, fantasy, essays, technical articles. Videography, Photography,
Skydiving, Homebuilder {(built current residence (1990), designed and built adjacent
boathouse (2017)}, Hobie Cat sailing, Ballroom Dancing.
Director, Delaware Literary Connection
President, Friends of Killens Pond State Park
Murderkill River Tributary Action Team member
Auxiliary Deputy Sheriff, Tillamook County, Oregon
Umpire, Felton, Delaware Little League
Pheresis Doner, Delaware Blood Bank
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