June 17th, 2023
Robert Crimmins
Joanne freshmen class picture from 1969. She was 15. We met in our English class. The 1968 version of Romeo and Juliet was in theaters at the time. We read that play and West Side Story with our very unorthodox teacher, Mrs. Elizabeth Carder. Our class went to the theater in Paulsboro. Whenever we read the play out loud in class Mrs. Carter would make Joanne and I read it together.
She was an "Eagelette" in 1970. They attended all of our home matches. (We were Conference Champs!) That year my family moved from Greenfields Village in West Deptford to North Wilmington. I got over it but when I heard it was finally going to happen, I was devastated.
Our Prom
Joanne's Senior Picture. The necklace was the first thing I ever bought for her.
Delaware's 18 Annual All Star Football game. Many years later I got the tape of the game and put it up on Youtube. It's at https://youtu.be/n-282c6xw4w
One of the things I remember about the wedding was the training the Church offered. My parents were Catholic many years before I was born but I wasn't. We had to meet with them for many weeks before it happened.
Gina, Joanne and Julie at there home before the wedding. My home in Greenfields was 3 1/2 miles from her house. Most days in the summer I would walk there. Summer in New Jersey past the Southwood Shopping Center and Broad Street in Woodbury could be very hot. They had an above ground pool. Usually after I got there I'd swim. Joanne would often join me.
Julie, Rosemarie, cousin from Maine, Beth (Heller) and Gina
Joanne and I didn't travel. We went to Montreal to see my father Art and mother Joan. This is when we were on our way back in Albany, NY. It was probably in 1977.
The only other time we traveled we went to Portland, Maine, that is where Joanne's father is from. His family were lobster fishermen.
This is my friend, Gabriel Fieni. He was the groomsmen at our wedding.
With our cat, Howard. (She was a female.)
Joanne whenever she got scarred. YIKES!
The reason Joanne and I broke up was skydiving. She went with me a couple of times and didn't like it. If we were serious we could have gotten past it but we both just decided to move on. This is with my friend Pat Mulhern. He was the captain of our team.
Joanne with Rob at Crimmins' home for Christmas.
This was at Joanne's cousin, Rosemarie's, wedding.
She was at Brandywine College which was less than a mile from my parent's house. The greatest period was when she and I were together there. We saw each other every day until I left for Univ. of Delaware.
The girl on the left is Mrs. Pat Cruciano. I forget her first name but I think it might have been Pat, like her husband. The one the right is Mrs. Maloof. Her name is lost to me as well. This was when I was on the University of Delaware Skydiving Club. Pat Cruciano was a prominent member of the club and a Jumpmaster and Rick Maloof was a pilot and an Army member. He was in the ROTC at the University. Joanne and I got married on August 25, 1975. I started skydiving less than a month after that. The following February I really got into the sport. Between February 28 and July 28th I made 69 jumps. (I lost my logbook so I don’t have records after July.) Every weekend, I made multiple jumps and sometimes during the week. This picture was taken in Winter and all the girls had to be wrapped up. There was no cover so warm attire was needed. Joanne went down the drop zone for a while but eventually she lost interest. I’m pretty sure my skydiving career was what caused our breakup. She’s holding binoculars. At that point I was making just two or three jumps in a day. She couldn’t tell much from 2500’ but she always watched.
At a car show at the U of Del Rob Carpenter Sports Center across the street from our apartment.
1 comment
Rob’s first wife passed away a few weeks ago. They were each others first loves. although the marriage didn’t last, they kept in touch for a number of years. Joanne and I used to talk on the phone in the early years of my and Rob’s marriage. We even had her over for dinner. Her passing was a shock, it was very thoughtful of Joanne’s husband to let him know. Rob Crimmins wanted to do a little memorial for her. Cheers to all the amazing moments of a first love!
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