Delaware Scenes
December 31st, 2013
Robert Crimmins
Delaware Scenes, Publications and Productions, Video Productions and Apps
Men and machines are harvesting corn in this clip taken in 2015 at Shiff Farms, south of Rt 12 a little over a mile east of Rt 13 in Felton.
Limulus Polyphemus at Bowers Beach, Delaware on June 9, 2015. LAL, Limulus amebocyte lysate, is used to test virtually everything that is introduced into the human body for medical purposes; sutures, needles, surgical instruments and the water used to clean them, heart valves, etc. are all tested with LAL to verify that they are free of pathogens. The amebocytes in the horseshoe crab’s blue blood are the primary ingredient in LAL and once the crabs are bled, they are returned to the wild. Processed horseshoe crab blood is worth more than $15,000 a quart!
Battleship USS New Jersey being towed on the Delaware River on November 11, 1999 to the Philadelphia Navy Shipyard. There, she was prepared to serve as museum ship on the River in Camden, New Jersey where she has been since 2001.
Sailing, kiteboarding, windsurfing and fishing on Delaware's Inland Bays and people enjoying Rehoboth Beach
The Delaware Bay Lighthouses in this program include the Cape May Lighthouse, The Harbor of Refuge Lighthouse, The Delaware Breakwater Lighthouse, The Fourteen Foot Lighthouse and The Breakwater East End Lighthouse at the entrance to the Lewes Harbor.
Imagery from Dover Air Force Base, Dover, Delaware including C5 Galaxy jets on the ground and in the air, U.S. Navy Blue Angels and the U.S.Army Skydiving Demonstration Team, the Golden Knights. The Golden Knights segment is taken from on board the aircraft.
Snow geese take flight late in the day on February 7, 2016
at lat 38.981 long -75.502 (2 1/2 miles SW of Frederica, Delaware)
at lat 38.981 long -75.502 (2 1/2 miles SW of Frederica, Delaware)
Winter Storm Jonas on January 23, 2016 around 5 PM just after the plows made the roads passable. Shown are Rt 13 North just south of Killens Pond Road and Killens Pond Road at Paradise Alley Rd., at the pond, north of the pond and then at house number 5012, which is across from the main entrance to Killens Pond State Park.
Scenes of Killens Pond, Felton, Delaware in the spring and summer.
Winter scenes from Killens Pond, Felton, Delaware include Snow Geese in moonlight and a frozen pond.
The Roth Bridge carries Rt. 1 over the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal.
Scenes from Killens Pond State Park, Felton, Delaware in the Fall.
Men, women and children in regalia dancing, playing music and singing at the 26th Annual Nanticoke Indian Pow Wow.
Summer Sky At 4000' Over Laurel, Delaware
For most of the day (September 11, 2014) it was almost too windy to sail but by mid-afternoon, after a few beers, it seemed all right. Judi shot the video as I came in for the last time. Her laugh, which is heard at the end, is one of the best things in my life.
Judi Crimmins with naturalist Paul Layton on the Pondside Trail around Killens Pond in Felton, Delaware. Paul finds scores of topics to discuss as they make their way around the pond. At the end of the walk Paul's contention that un-fragmented woodlands should be preserved seems undeniable. The program was produced by Pond Productions and Rob Crimmins in 2003 and it's distributed for large audience viewing by Chip Taylor Productions.
Don Wujtewicz travels the Murderkill River in Kent County, Delaware from Browns Branch to the Delaware Bay
These 8mm film clips were donated by the woman who appears in them for a program on Delaware's polluted waterways. She and her family were among those who used Killens Pond in a way that's become a thing of the past.
This pilot was at the intersection of KIllens Pond and Carpenter Bridge Roads, near Houston, Delaware on May 30, 2014. Can't you feel the G's!
Eight way sequential skydive from 14,000 feet at Skydive Delmarva, Laurel, Delaware with John Gross, Rob Crimmins, Kareem Barbour, Walt Schneider and four others at on September 27, 2014. The video is from Rob's Camera and Kareem's.
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