Pat’s artsome of Pat Crimmins' art

Pat’s art

T Rex is on plywood with the unpainted surface forming the creature's hide. This 4 foot by 8 foot work was installed on a wall in Pat's residence in Santa Barbara, where it may still remain,
This 5 foot by 7 foot acrylic on canvas hangs on a wall in Pat's family home.
Chameleon on a Limb is a large work, several square feet. (Media unknown)
A doodle on our refrigerator.
Hot Dogs Puzzle - Acrylic on Plywood. 8' x 3'
Goldfish 12' X 12" - Acrylic Spray on Plywood
T-Shirt screen print
Giant Pig Day at Ungto Town
Pat's design was chosen for his Navy basic training Division Flag.
This chameleon was on the bedroom wall in Pat's house in Dewey Beach, Delaware, which was torn down in 2011.


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